Brand Join

Application Form
Your current location > KeepWorld > Brand Join > Application Form
1、Online or offline to join the advisory matters; 2、Submit the application form; 3、Audit the company headquarters data ; 4、Specialist follow-up ; 5、According to the situation of sign relevant agreements ; 6、Payment prototype and market data; 7、Market technical support ; 8、The company repair warranty service .

Personal contact information( Required)

Name:  *    Mob:  *
Now the industry:  *      Tel:  *
To join the market:  *      QQ:  *

The main cause of you to jion  Zhongsheng(Single selection)

  Optimistic about the industry background, investment funds, seeking to develop.
  Just want to do business, find a way to make a living.
  Rich store product line, to obtain the competitive advantage of local market.
Other(Please write):
Your advantage?(Multiple choice)  
  Capital investment      A local public relations
  Experience                   Family members support
Other advantages (Please write) :
Example: Store, brand, the number of employees, store location etc
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KeepWorld (CHINA)Electrical Co.,Ltd.
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