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Research and innovation-driven pump industry trans
KeepWorld (CHINA)Electrical Co.,Ltd.  Time:2014-3-29 13:55:22

        Pumps are in agriculture, water conservancy, transportation and even mining, defense, military , municipal construction and other economic needs of a wide range of equipment manufacturing industries products . For the city, the heart pumps the equivalent of the city, the heart of the blood with the rest of the city , so the city's municipal, construction, industrial , infrastructure, district heating , sewage treatment and other agencies to operate normally. Today , in response to climate change, energy conservation has become one of the problems governments must overcome , and pump applications involving almost all aspects of urban construction, if the city's "heart" can be run on demand under the circumstances , is not will be able to reduce energy consumption , reduce carbon dioxide emissions ?

        As the heart of the city, when the whole world into a resting state , the pump will continue to work in the state . Traditional power consumption accounts for more than 10% of the pump total global consumption , while two-thirds of the pump will waste up to 60 % energy . At this stage, almost all of the need to maintain full operation of the pump station is open , in fact , need Pumping full day operation time , only 5% , and therefore , at a time after the work is completed , the speed of the pump can be in sleep state, and even stopped to reduce energy consumption .

        " Almost every city underground sewage system pipes are leaking , the reason is that these are high-pressure pipeline long working condition , overwhelmed if the pump can only work when there is a demand in accordance with the needs of the sewage then leaks can reduce a lot , to avoid contamination of soil and groundwater . " a group vice president , said," As another example , now the building 's heating system is maintained by circulating hot water pump . ample sunshine during the day , when , in fact, sunlight to heat a building heating efficiency are complementary role , but this time, the heating system will continue operating at full capacity generally , most of the energy is lost . "
        According to statistics, the energy consumed by the pump and ancillary power can reach a quarter of the total annual power generation, energy- efficient and visible significance of the study of how significant the pump . Hebei Province to promote energy-efficient products for several years received a good assessment of the work of social effects , in which the pump industry, energy products Recommend rating of society and bring significant benefits.

        To transform the traditional manufacturing capacity , the introduction of advanced digital processing , measurement equipment , to achieve partial or total automation. Strengthening R & D and testing capabilities parts of upstream products , the introduction of three-dimensional processing equipment, computer simulation models of digital technology, digital printing three-dimensional , three-dimensional carving technologies , such as advanced manufacturing technology models , the introduction of advanced equipment design and development tools is to enhance manufacturing capacity as quickly as possible enhance the technological innovation capability of the preferred path.

        Recalling the development of the pump industry over the past decade , both the number of firms , or marketing capacity has been greatly improved, especially in the industrial, agricultural fields of various centrifugal pumps , submersible pumps , sewage pumps, chemical pumps, etc. , forming a the old state-owned enterprises as the leading private enterprises as the mainstay of a number of regional industrial clusters , both to promote local economic development, but also promoted the progress of the industry .

        For enterprises, the research object can be a new product , it can be a component , it can be a new technology, new methods, processes, research can be done alone , can also be achieved by means of scientific research institutions , the results of scientific research business services can also be achieved indirectly its value, but every business should really research into every aspect of production , enhance technological capabilities should start from each stage of production .

        Secondly , take the road of joint development of regional industrial clusters should be a good way out, although the mechanism of small private enterprises the flexibility to adapt to a stronger market power , but that the ability to thin , anti-risk ability, low-value , small-scale , to a certain extent should consider the idea of joint development to enhance competitiveness.

        Whether or civilian areas of industry, agriculture , environment-friendly products will be the most promising . Our CDC has strict control standards for drinking water , but we can say that the existing pumps are not up to the requirements of drinking water , in addition to market demand pump leak polluting products will increase. By improving the process , improve the structure , selection and better sealing materials reduce leakage and reduce pollution of the environment is a development direction , such as various magnetic drive , hydraulic coupling device , magnetic pumps , shielding pumps.

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