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Zhejiang Academy valve valve business in an area t
KeepWorld (CHINA)Electrical Co.,Ltd.  Time:2014-3-29 14:16:01

        For a planned, targeted work to do in 2014, the afternoon of January 8, valve Academy president Yang to line 4 visited Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang XX XX Automatic Control Valve Co., Ltd., to carry out this year specific work plan.
         In the early XX Industrial Co., Ltd. of Zhejiang Institute of used tube punches were surface treatment, in the case of a return visit to the practical application. General manager of the company PVD coating on the pipe after the punch expressed satisfaction with life, from the original rushed 100 times elevated to 400 times, but also a higher lifetime requirements. Technicians on ways to improve life were discussed and reached verified by the nitriding process, then PVD coating methods.
        Subsequently, visited Zhejiang certain automatic control valves, Ltd., on e-commerce cooperation, control valves demo boards, development, positioner linkage actuators such as gas and liquid cooperation, the recent demonstration panels determined from the control valve design and production began to cooperate.

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